Central Highlands UM Preschool
100 Timothy Drive
Elizabeth, PA 15037
4-year-old Extended Day Program
The four-year-old classes will be held from September to May on Mondays &Wednesdays 9:30am-2:00pm, and Fridays 9:30am-11:45am
Four-year-olds must be 4 before August 31.
Tuition payments of $170 are due between the 15th and 20th of each month prior to your child’s attendance.
Special Days
Monthly Show and Tell
Weekly Library Day
Several field trips and parties are scheduled throughout the year.
This program is designed to help you ensure that your child is well prepared for kindergarten. Throughout the year, lessons will include the alphabet, numbers and counting, shapes and colors, and recognizing and writing their name. We incorporate various themes, including Nursery Rhymes, the senses, transportation, and holidays, into these lessons. Students will have various opportunities to develop both large and small motor skills.