Central Highlands UM Preschool
100 Timothy Drive
Elizabeth, PA 15037
3-year-old program​
The three-year-old program classes will be held September to May on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30-11:30 am
Three-year-olds must be 3 before August 31.
Tuition payments of $90 are due between the 15th and 20th of each month prior to your child’s attendance.
Special Days
Monthly Show and Tell
Weekly Library Day
Several field trips and parties are scheduled throughout the year.

For many children this is the first time they have been a in structured setting, therefore the purpose of this program is to help your child develop important social skills. They will learn how to share and cooperate, to work together and take turns, to participate in group activities and follow simple directions, and to communicate wants and needs. Through both individual and group lessons the students will learn various basic concepts, including colors, shapes, and name recognition. Student will also have various opportuinties to develop both large and small motor skills.
For many children this is the first time they have been in a structured setting, therefore the purpose of this program is to help your child develop important social skills. They will learn how to share and cooperate, to work together and take turns, to participate in group activities and follow simple directions, and to communicate wants and needs. Through both individual and group lessons the students will learn various basic concepts, including colors, shapes, and name recognition. Students will also have various opportunities to develop both large and small motor skills.